If, as we believe, our lives are a journey back to the Father’s house, then, like the prophet Elijah, we will need food if the journey is not to become too much for our strength. The weekly Eucharist, both in word and in Sacrament, is that food. We can’t explain the Holy Eucharist any more than we can cut an orange open and show everyone what Vitamin C looks like. But we know the Lord’s presence by the fruits that Eucharist produce in people’s lives. And we know that the depth of the Eucharist, the depth of the experience, is not in how close to God we feel but in how it changes our lives. And we know too that it’s not our understanding of the Eucharist that matters – it’s our life with each other in that Eucharist that matters – that the Eucharist must be in some way be reflected in our lifestyle and our lifestyle must be in some way be reflected in Eucharist. But most of all we are convinced that Holy Communion is not our reward for being good: it’s a remedy for our weakness. Not the Bread of Reward, but becoming the Bread of Life, for those of us who still have the death of sin inside of us, who consistently fall short of the glory of God.